Confidential Settlement: A Repairman’s Momentary Loss of Concentration Turns Deadly for a Tractor-Trailer Driver

Brent Barton, Barton Trail Attorneys, Newport, Oregon


He was simply driving straight ahead on the highway when his life was cut short due to an inattentive driver. Driving a logging truck in the “bunk’s up” configuration, the deceased was hit head-on by a utility truck. The utility truck driver claimed to have been caught by surprise by a logging truck directly ahead of him making a right-hand turn, purportedly causing him to make a last-second avoidance maneuver leading to the loss of control of his truck and the resulting head-on collision. The Crash Animation Studios team was hired to help create a compelling visualization of the plaintiff expert’s theory of the case.

The case successfully settled at mediation for a confidential amount. Read the entire case study.

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